
[Hack] Garfield's Defense: Attack of the Food Invaders v1.4.0

Application Name: Garfield's Defense: Attack of the Food Invaders
Current Version: 1.4.0
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/garfields-defense-attack-food/id540660863?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧999999000 Cookies

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Tip #28 - Reply vs Reply All

100 Computer Tips in 100 Days

Tip #28 - Reply vs Reply All

This is a hot topic for many people and it is an action that has gotten people in trouble over the years. There is a story about how in 2009, the State Department servers were crippled when email messages went out to many thousands of diplomats and then many of the recipients clicked Reply All to ask to be removed from the distribution list. This resulted in many other people using Reply All to tell folks to not use Reply All if they only wanted to send the message to the person that initiated it. All of this email traffic stressed the capacity of the system, forcing the under secretary of state to send a cable (who knew people still used cables) to tell people to avoid using Reply All.

With our mailboxes filling up rapidly every day, let’s do a little thinking before choosing between Reply and Reply All.

When you want to reply to an email you have two choices, Reply and Reply All. Reply sends the response to just the sender, while Reply All sends that same response to everyone who received the original email. Before you click the Reply button or Reply All button, ask yourself if it is important that everyone who has gotten the original message needs to know how you respond.

If you are part of a committee and a member is asking everyone’s opinion about a topic, Reply All might be a good choice. If your friend has shared cute pictures of her puppy with a group of people and you want to respond, Reply would be the appropriate choice.

AOL is looking into displaying pictures of all of the recipients of an email rather than just the string of names to see if this helps remedy the Reply All problem. The thinking is that if you could see the faces of the people who would be reading the response you might think twice about the wisdom of using Reply All. I don’t know where AOL thinks they would get all of those pictures from but it might be an idea worth trying.

Happy computing!


[Hack] Dino Cap 2 HD v1.3.7

Application Name: Dino Cap 2 HD
Current Version: 1.3.7
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dino-cap-2-hd/id439203629?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧999,999,000 Cash

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Tip #27 - Word's Colorful Underlines

100 Computer Tips in 100 Days

Tip #27 - Word's Colorful Underlines

I’m sure that you've noticed that your Word document is usually covered with colorful underlines. Starting with the 2007 version the underlines were red, green or blue.

The red underline indicates that a word is not in the program’s dictionary. If you click with the right mouse button on the underlined word you will see a menu of choices beginning with spelling alternatives. If the word is spelled correctly you should choose “Add to Dictionary” so that it does not question your spelling of that word again. It will even offer your addition as an alternative if you misspell it in the future.

The green underline indicates that there is a grammatical error. For example, if you  type “The boys was happy.” a green line will appear under “boys was” to let you know that the phrase should be either “boys were” or “boy was”. The term grammar is taken in its broadest meaning. If you insert two spaces between words or an extra space before a period, you’ll also see a green underline.  

The blue wavy underline means a "possible word choice error." Even though the text is both grammatically correct and correctly spelled as is, Word thinks you might have intended a different word. The sentence, “The whether is frightful.” will produce a blue underline under “whether” questioning if you wanted to use “weather”. And in this case, Word is right.

You can modify how these are tracked in your document by going to the File tab àOptions, which is along the bottom of the box. Click “Proofing” on the left. Use the check boxes and the Settings button to customize the way Word proofs your document.

On the Apple you’ll access these options by clicking on the Word icon in the upper left corner and choosing Preferences. In the window that appears, click on Spelling and Grammar.

Happy computing!

[Hack] Chop Chop Ninja World v1.3

Application Name: Chop Chop Ninja World
Current Version: 1.3
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/chop-chop-ninja-world/id511064280?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧999999000 Coins

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[Hack] Dinosaur War v1.1.2

Application Name: Dinosaur War
Current Version: 1.1.2
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dinosaur-war/id573130259?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧999999000 Fodder
‧999999000 Meat
‧999999000 Stone
‧999999000 Crystal

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[Hack] Small Street v1.4.2

Application Name: Small Street
Current Version: 1.4.2
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/small-street/id469231744?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧999,999,000 Coins
‧999,999,000 Cards

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Tip #26 - Indenting Text in Excel

100 Computer Tips in 100 Days

Tip #26 - Indenting Text in Excel

Another action that really frustrates me is when people indent text before they start to type the cell entry by hitting the spacebar a few times. I don’t know how they keep track of how many “spaces” they should add before typing. The correct alternative is to use the Increase or Decrease Indent options. I just typed the list to the left. Then I selected specific cells in which I wanted an indent and clicked the Increase Indent option. Each time you click the Increase Indent option the text in the cell is indented a little further. If you indent too far, you simply use the Decrease Indent option.

If you apply both of this and the previous tip, you’ll find that it takes a lot less effort to produce your Excel document.

Happy computing!

[Hack] SAS: Zombie Assault TD HD v1.0.2

Application Name: SAS: Zombie Assault TD HD
Current Version: 1.0.2
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sas-zombie-assault-td-hd/id588575192?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧Tons Of SAS Dollers
‧Remove Banner Adverts
‧All Skills Pack
‧All Power Pack

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[Hack] Fable Kingdom HD v1.0.2

Application Name: Fable Kingdom HD
Current Version: 1.0.2
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fable-kingdom-hd/id583922364?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧999999999 Kingdom Coins
‧999999999 Kingdom Crystals

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[Hack] NFL Kicker 13 v1.2

Application Name: NFL Kicker 13
Current Version: 1.2
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nfl-kicker-13/id549432779?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧888,888,888 Credits

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[Hack] Mutant Roadkill v1.1.1

Application Name: Mutant Roadkill
Current Version: 1.1.1
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mutant-roadkill/id504320207?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧446783 Coins
‧1686 Gold

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[Hack] Apocalypse Max: Better Dead Than Undead v1.3

Application Name: Apocalypse Max: Better Dead Than Undead
Current Version: 1.3
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/apocalypse-max-better-dead/id518327015?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧6,300,000 Coins
‧All players unlocked

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[Hack] Flow Line v1.3.1

Application Name: Flow Line
Current Version: 1.3.1
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/flow-line/id580123779?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧Unlimited Hits
‧Unlimited Battery
‧No Ads

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Tip #25 - Wrapping Text in Excel

100 Computer Tips in 100 Days

Tip #25 - Wrapping Text in Excel

There are some things people do in Excel that frustrate me. I know that they either missed some fundamental Excel training along the way or that they've been using Excel for a long time and haven’t noticed some of Excel’s newer features.

One thing that I see people doing is breaking words apart on separate lines, as in the first group of headings in the image to the right.  What you should do is type all of the words and then use the Wrap Text option. This will wrap the text on as many lines as are needed. If you resize the column the text will rewrap. If you want a particular word to start a new line you can use Alt + Enter to force a “line break”.  Keeping the column heading in one cell rather than breaking it up across several rows is important when you use advanced features of the program such as filtering, sorting, pivot tables and mail merge. If you were to create a pivot table you could be presented with multiple fields called “total” because that’s what was in the last row.

Check out tomorrow's tip which will also help you use Excel more effectively.

Happy computing!


[Hack] League of Heroes v1.3.781

Application Name: League of Heroes
Current Version: 1.3.781
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/league-of-heroes/id555272157?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧10,000,000 Coins
‧100,000 Gems

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[Hack] Early Bird and Friends v1.0.0

Application Name: Early Bird and Friends
Current Version: 1.0.0
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/early-bird-and-friends/id564063150?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧888,888,000 Bugs

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Tip #24.- Initiating a Google Search with a Right Click

100 Computer Tips in 100 Days

Tip #24 - Initiating a Google Search with a Right Click

This is a cool tip that I only learned recently, and I learned it by accident! When you are in a browser, any browser, and you select a phrase, you can then click with the Right mouse button (Apple users should use Ctrl click) and one of the choices you will see is to Search Google for the phrase you have selected. No more copying and pasting into the search box.

That’s it! That’s today’s tip, short and sweet, but one that I think you will use a lot.

Happy computing!

[Hack] Big Business HD v1.0.13

Application Name: Big Business HD
Current Version: 1.0.13
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/big-business-hd/id527939715?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧1,600,000,000 Coins
‧1,600,000,000 City Credits

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[Hack] Black Water v1.0.5

Application Name: Black Water
Current Version: 1.0.5
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/black-water/id540459517?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧Unlimited Money
‧All weapons Unlocked

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Tip #23 - Scrolling wheel – scrolling left and right and then some!

100 Computer Tips in 100 Days

Tip #23 - Scrolling wheel – scrolling left and right and then some!

Since the scrolling wheel was introduced to the mouse, scrolling has become so much easier. You don’t have to move the mouse on the scrolling bar on the window to go up or down. The scrolling wheel also allows you to scroll horizontally, left or right, but that’s not obvious at all.

To activate the left/right feature you have to click the scrolling wheel, that’s right, the scrolling wheel is also a button! When you click the scrolling wheel you will see the icon pictured here. Now move your mouse (without clicking anything) just above, below, to the left or to the right of the icon. The further you move away from the icon the faster you scroll, so watch out! To turn off the scrolling, click the scrolling wheel again.
Sorry to say I haven’t been able to find anyway to accomplish this on laptops with track pads or on Apple mice, although Apple’s new Magic Mouse allows you to swipe left and right to scroll.

This button is especially helpful in Excel or webpages that require a left right scroll.

Some other uses of the Scrolling Wheel:

Close Browser Tabs Quickly
I routinely have many tabs open in my browser at any given time. If I want to close a tab, I have to click it, then click the little x that appears on the tab. That's one more click than I prefer, and it makes a tab active that I'm planning to close anyway. Crazy, right?

If you wheel-click any tab in your browser, boom, it's gone. No need to make it active first, no need to click on the “x”. Just wheel-click, and, boom, it’s closed.
Open Links in a New Tab
When you wheel-click a link in most browsers, that link opens immediately in a new tab rather than changing the content of the current tab. This is especially important when you’re comparing items and want to move back and forth between tabs.

Incidentally, you can accomplish the same thing by holding down the Ctrl key and left-clicking a link. But why bother with that when you can just as easily click the middle mouse button?

Happy computing!


[Hack] Coin Dozer v11.0

Application Name: Coin Dozer
Current Version: 11.0
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/coin-dozer/id372836496?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧1,000,000 Coins
‧1,000,000 Dozzer Dollars
‧Level 290

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Tip #22 - Comparing Worksheets in an Excel Workbook

100 Computer Tips in 100 Days

Tip #22 - Comparing Worksheets in an Excel Workbook

Even if you love Excel as much as I do, I bet at times you find it frustrating, particularly when you want to compare two or more worksheets in the same workbook. There’s a lot of switching between sheets trying to remember what one looked like while you looked at another. There is a better way.
What you’re looking to do is create a new window to house the second worksheet. Here’s how you do this:

  1. From the View tab, Window group choose New Window
  2. Then, still in the the View tab, in the Window group choose Arrange All
  3. In the box that pops up, choose the way you would like your windows arranged. Click the checkbox “Windows of active workbook”. Click OK.  Clicking the checkbox for “Windows of active workbook” is particularly important if you have more than one workbook open.

For my Apple friends or for those who are using a pre-2007 version of Microsoft Office, these controls are in the Window menu.

I generally choose arrange vertical which puts one window on the left and the other on the right. Tiled is a good choice if you have more than two windows open.

Happy computing!

[Hack] DIE HARD v1.1

Application Name: DIE HARD
Current Version: 1.1
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/die-hard/id597413791?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧Lots of Money

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Tip #21 - Resizing Pictures from the Center

100 Computer Tips in 100 Days

Tip #21 - Resizing Pictures from the Center

You are putting some final touches on your Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, or Excel document and you want to make a picture a little larger. But because it took you so long to get the picture placed just where you want it vertically and horizontally, you decide to just leave it alone. You tell yourself if you resize it using the corner resize handles then you’ll have to spend more time  than you really have moving it left, right, up or down. Not so. What you need to do is resize the picture around the center rather than from a corner.

As you probably know, when you select a picture you see resize handles in the four corners as well as half way along each of the four sides. To keep the picture in proportion I’m betting you always use the corner handles to resize it. When you do this the two sides that make up the corner you are using become resized. As a result it changes how the picture “sits” in the document.

Here’s the way to make the picture stay where you put it in the first place. Hold down the Ctrl (Alt) key while resizing the picture, this will resize it from the center. Those of you who have problems keeping your layout design consistent while resizing pictures will appreciate this tip.

Happy Computing! See you tomorrow. - Diane

[Hack] Monster Geeks v1.03

Application Name: Monster Geeks
Current Version: 1.03
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/monster-geeks/id537545669?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧10000000 Gold
‧100000 Gem

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[Hack] Zuko Monsters v1.5

Application Name: Zuko Monsters
Current Version: 1.5
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zuko-monsters/id545619234?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧1,675,000,000 Credits

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[Hack] Lazors v2.0

Application Name: Lazors
Current Version: 2.0
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lazors/id386458926?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧100,000 Hints

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Tip #20 - Group Edit in Excel

100 Computer Tips in 100 Days

Tip #20 - Group Edit in Excel

Wait till you hear this juicy Excel tip. Let’s say you have created a workbook that has sheets for all twelve months and then you realize that you need to make the same change to all the sheets. If you’re not aware of group edit you are relegated to making the change 12 times! Never again! What you need is group edit.

To go into the group edit:
  • At the bottom left of your screen, click the first sheet you want to select (I’ll call this the January sheet)
  • Hold down the Shift key
  • Click the last sheet you want to select (I’ll call this the December sheet)

Now you’re in the group edit mode. The name of your document displayed in the title bar of the window will include (Group), as you can see in the image above. Now make your change to the active sheet (the sheet with the bold name) and the change is made on all of the sheets. Quite a time saver, right?
Note: If the sheets you want to group are not consecutive use the Ctrl (Command) key to select them.

Getting out of the group edit

Once you've made your changes, you’ll want to exit the group edit in order to make changes in individual sheets. The method you use depends on whether or not you have selected all of the sheets in the workbook.
  • If all of the sheets in the workbook were selected, click on a sheet that is not the active sheet and you’re out of group edit.

If you have sheets in the workbook that were not included in the group edit, click on one of those and you’re out of group edit.

[Hack] Stardom: The A-List v2.1.5

Application Name: Stardom: The A-List
Current Version: 2.1.5
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/stardom-the-a-list/id473366182?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧999999000 Stars
‧999999000 Cash

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[Hack] Uber Racer 3D - Sandstorm v1.6

Application Name: Uber Racer 3D - Sandstorm
Current Version: 1.6
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/uber-racer-3d-sandstorm/id409289600?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧10000000 oil

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[Hack] Mall Stars v1.10.4

Application Name: Mall Stars
Current Version: 1.10.4
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mall-stars/id509016091?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧10,000,000 Coins
‧10,000,000 Supplies
‧1,000,000 Hearts

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[Hack] Hambo HD v1.1

Application Name: Hambo HD
Current Version: 1.1
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hambo-hd/id484990128?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧2300000 Coins
‧All Unlocked

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Tip #19 - Selecting Items

100 Computer Tips in 100 Days

Tip #19 - Selecting Consecutive and Non-Consecutive Objects (files, folders, etc.)

When you click on something on your computer you have selected that item, whether it is a file, folder, email, picture, icon, window, etc. Generally you select something so that you can move it, delete it or format it. So often you need to select a group of files to delete, move or copy. It’s tedious to do that to individual files. Instead of selecting them individually, use the Shift or Ctrl (Command) keys to select the group.

Selecting Consecutive Items
A group of consecutive files selected
The Shift key is the secret to selecting consecutive items. When you need to select a series of folders that are adjacent to each other here's what you do:
  1. Click on the first folder or file
  2. Hold down the shift key
  3. Click on the last folder or file
In the picture to the right, I clicked once on the 75 Vineyard folder, held down the Shift key and clicked on the Buzzards folder. Now if I wanted to move or delete these folders I could do that in one action.

In Word or Excel you can use the same technique to select a range of text or cells. 

In Word click just to the left of the first word you would like to select. Scroll down to the end of the text you would like to select, hold down the Shift key and click. It works like a charm and you don't have to hold down the mouse button and drag through the text. 

In Excel, just as you did in Word, click on the first cell you would like to select. Scroll down to the end of the area you would like to select, hold down the Shift key and click the last cell. Selecting without cursing, brilliant! 

Selecting Non-consecutive Items
The Ctrl key (Command key on the Apple) is the secret to selecting non-consecutive items. In the picture above, suppose we wanted to select "75 Vineyard", "2012 Vineyard Race" and "Buzzards" at the same time. Here's what you would do:
  1. Click on the first folder or file (75 Vineyard)
  2. Hold down the Ctrl (Command) key
  3. Click on the second folder or file (2012 Vineyard Race)
  4. Continue holding down the Ctrl (Command) key and clicking on files/folders until you have selected all you need
You can do this in the Finder window, Word, Excel, your email program, lots of places. Give it a go and let me know what you think.

Happy Computing! See you tomorrow. - Diane

[Hack] Kick the Buddy: Like a Boss v1.4

Application Name: Kick the Buddy: Like a Boss
Current Version: 1.4
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kick-the-buddy-like-a-boss/id545409993?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧1,000,000,000 Gold
‧1,000,000,000 Bucks

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[Hack] Kick the Buddy: Second Kick v1.14

Application Name: Kick the Buddy Second Kick
Current Version: 1.14
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kick-the-buddy-second-kick/id511459648?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧9,999,999 Gold
‧9,999,999 Cash
‧99999999 slot
‧all item unlockl

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[Hack] Real Soccer 2013 v1.0.3

Application Name: Real Soccer 2013
Current Version: 1.0.3
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/real-soccer-2013/id533391633?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧888,888,888 Coins
‧888,888,888 Cash

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[Hack] Stair Dismount Universal v2.7.4

Application Name: Stair Dismount Universal
Current Version: 2.7.4
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/stair-dismount-universal/id326469137?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧all players unlocked
‧all maps unlocked

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[Hack] Smurf Life 1.3.0

Application Name: Smurf Life
Current Version: 1.3.0
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/smurf-life/id575225877?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.
‧800000000 coins
‧800000000 moon dusts

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[Hack] Ruzzle v1.4.7

Application Name: Ruzzle
Current Version: 1.4.7
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ruzzle/id504265646?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧Unlocks Ruzzle Premium

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Tip #18 - Great Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

100 Computer Tips in 100 Days

Tip #18 - Great Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

Sorry, this tip is not for my Apple friends.

Here are some keyboard shortcuts for those of you who enjoy using your keyboard rather than a mouse. Note that they use the neglected Windows Key, the one that has the windows flag logo on it. Striking Windows Key all by itself brings up the Start menu.

Windows Key + R – Opens the Run Program Dialog
Windows Key + M – Minimize all windows
Windows Key + Shift + M – Maximize all windows
Windows Key + F – Find files on your computer
Windows Key + E – Open My Computer window

That minimize all windows might come in handy when the boss comes in!

As long as you’re sitting in front of your computer, try these shortcuts out. You may think they’re cool.

Happy Computing!

[Hack] Flow Free v1.4

Application Name: Flow Free
Current Version: 1.4
Itunes Url: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/flow-free/id526641427?mt=8

Hack for Non-Jailbroken.

‧99,999 Hints
‧All Packs Purchased
‧All Packs Completed

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